ASM Social Event

Tuesday September 12th, 2023 (6:00pm EST)

Shawn & Ed Brewing Co.,  65 Hatt St, Dundas, ON

L9H 0C1

Welcome Back

“A social night to welcome the new year of ASM Ontario events”

Hello ASM Members and Materials Science Enthusiasts,

On behalf of the ASM Ontario Chapter we’re starting the ASM year with a more casual ASM Event. We wanted to provide a space where everyone can meet-up in a safe and suitable environment. Our executive team wanted to put on an event dedicated to you to give you a few hours to catch up with everyone, versus the hour or so you’d get at our standard meetings before dinner and a technical talk (all of which will be coming back soon too!)

Please come join us! If you’re not sure if we miss you as much as you miss us….rest assured we do miss you that much and hope to see you at this event!


ASM Ontario Executive Team

This event is limited to 20 attendee’s. It includes food  (with the ability to buy drinks at the bar).

Register Below

You must register for this event ahead of time to attend and registration closes at noon on Sept. 12th. The earlier the better as tickets may be limited later on due to vendor negotiations based on food and seat orders required a week in advance to hold an event like this. DO NOT WAIT!

If you have any issues with registration please email:

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